Daimondcut Ice mold 70mm is out of stock
Daimondcut70mm ice mold is sold out. We will let you know as soon as it is available.

Ice ball mold 70mm is sold out
Ice ball mold 70mm is sold out and is currently under additional production.

Thanks to the current depreciation of JPY against USD, you would be able to take an opportunity to purchase products from Japan at a comparatively cheaper price. We have a wide variety of basic round ice, as well as rose ice and football ice. Now, we are posting the movie of STAR ICE. You can…

BASE BALL MOLD is sold out
BASE BALL MOLD is sold out and is currently under additional production. It is hard to make BASEBALL and SOCCER molds, but we are manufacturing by making use of the technology and experience that we have been working on for many years. We used to make basketball, but now have removed it from our lineup.…

Diamond ice stones mold sold out
Diamond stones are getting popular and being sold well. Currently those are out of stock and we are manufacturing additional ones. Production movie is as below.

Diamond ice with logo
This is a movie of making an ice mold with a diamond stone of 65 mm. The letters “YES” are placed on the top with an ice stamp. This allows you to get creative and make various characters.

logo on cubic ice
We can also make ICESTAMP to engrave a logo onto ices.We manufacture ICESTAMP only too.You can use it not only for round ices but also cubic ices.

Diamond ice maker
Diamond-figured ice is selling well constantly.We have 3 types available, 60mm, 65mm and 70mm diameter.The most popular one among them is 60mm.It is mainly used to enjoy cocktail after putting regular ice in a glassand placing a diamond-figured ice on it.

WHISKY Festival OSAKA 2019.
We have exhibited at WHISKY Festival OSAKA 2019. According to the organizers, there were about 3200 visitors. Many customers visited our booth. We thank all the visitors and those who purchased our products.

WHISKY Festival OSAKA 2019
We are planning to attend WHISKY Festival OSAKA 2019 held on June 2. This is the first time for us to attend an exhibition in Osaka. We will exhibit our Ice Molds such as rose shape ice etc.

Diamond Stone Ice with logo
Let us introduce the Diamond Stone Ice. It is easy to drink because the top surface of the ice is flat. The appearance makes difference from round shaped ice in the sense of luxury. Moreover, logo or letters can be engraved on the top surface providing advertisement effect.

How to use ice stamp
We are introducing how to use the Ice Stamp because of many inquiries from the valued consumers. You can easily put logo or characters on ice. This is the new style of promotion and you can send messages out by using this item. A round ice may turn in the glass but you can make…

We lend Ice Molds for customers to try.
We lend Ice Molds for customers to try. Many people has tried our porducts. Unfortunately we do not lend for overseas users but you can rely on our products.

Ice of scallop
We have been manufacturing a large number of special ordered items, among them, we hereby introduce a scallop. It looks delicious and cold, and makes the most of deliciousness of the dish.

Thank you for visiting Tokyo International BarShow 2018.
Thank you for visiting Tokyo International BarShow 2018. Our exhibition was also a success as many people visiting our booth. We have received many positive feedback, especially from women, for the prototype of Ice Stamp.

Special ice of Mt.Fuji
As per request from a customer, we have made an ice in the shape of a well known symbol of Japan, Mount Fuji. The shape is close to the actual one by using topographic data. We have experiences in production of many different shapes, so we can embody your idea.

Daimond ice 65
We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our Diamond Stone65. This figure is designed in order for ice to be stable in glass. The top surface of ice is flat so easy to drink and the view from the above is beautiful.

Ice ball with logo
We have been manufacturing many kinds of ICESTAMP such as name of store, logo, name of person etc. We can make original one for your own use. Please see below movie for your reference.

55mm Football ice
football ice The Olympics have ended successfully and this year FIFA World Cup will be held in Russia. We have IceMold to make football figured ice in our line up.