logo on Diamond stone ice
Since we started manufacturing Rose Ice Mold, we have sold around 30 units so far. Ice BALL is still the best seller, but the Rose Ice Mold is also very well received. We have redesigned Rose Ice Mold many times and have made many prototypes resulting in the current shape. We can make various shapes…

logo on cubic ice
We can also make ICESTAMP to engrave a logo onto ices.We manufacture ICESTAMP only too.You can use it not only for round ices but also cubic ices.

How to make logo on ice ball
Here are some ideas for putting logos and letters on round ice by using an ice stamp. Step1. Make a plat part on the ice by pushing a part of the round ice against the flat part of the ice mold body. Step2. Make the flat part of the ice face the ground side…

Diamond Stone Ice with logo
Let us introduce the Diamond Stone Ice. It is easy to drink because the top surface of the ice is flat. The appearance makes difference from round shaped ice in the sense of luxury. Moreover, logo or letters can be engraved on the top surface providing advertisement effect.

How to use ice stamp
We are introducing how to use the Ice Stamp because of many inquiries from the valued consumers. You can easily put logo or characters on ice. This is the new style of promotion and you can send messages out by using this item. A round ice may turn in the glass but you can make…